
Curious and amusing, and with a high degree of audience engagement, the Out Of Home campaign by IGPDecaux for NeN - a company part of the a2a Group that supplies light and gas using 100% green energy - narrated with irony and creativity the latest product launched by the brand, a small device that analyses household appliances and allows you to monitor your home consumption.

The creativity of the campaign certainly did not go unnoticed, especially in the first phase of the outdoor advertising project; an impressive teaser inviting passers-by to discover the subject in communication.

Web and Mobile in IGPDecaux's Out Of Home campaign for NeN
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The protagonists were the graphic representation of the device and the copy "Cos’è sto Robo?", accompanied by the call to action "scoprilo su cosestorobo.it" and the Qr Code to scan to reach the web page. By accessing the site, it was in fact possible to guess the identity of the 'Robo' by trying to construct its appearance.

The installations involved in the Out Of Home planning, Network Vision circuits for street furniture and the metro, and a Phygital circuit in the metro, thus aroused the interest of passers-by by revealing only the outline of the product. Thecampaign also included the provision of mobile push notifications: users geolocated in the vicinity of the bus shelter reproducing the advertising could receive the customised notification on their smartphone in real time and, by clicking on it, be directed to the dedicated 'cosestorobo.it' page.

Immagine secondaria
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The teaser phase was followed by the reveal phase, which involved the metro and street furniture, and unveiled NeN's new device by bringing it to the forefront of the equipment's creativity.

Through this campaign, on air from 7 to 20 April 2021, the first in the city of Milan for the new energy player, NeN has chosen to address a young target with a project capable of integrating very well Out Of Home and Mobile, and even more Out Of Home and Web, demonstrating the effectiveness of the synergy between offline and online, and the potential of the OOH medium.

Below are photos of the campaign:

Layout Blocco E
Immagine anteprima