We enhance advertising spaces by contributing to urban decorum and ensuring the safety of installations, supporting digital and infrastructural transformations to accompany cities into the future
Advertising communication cannot be separated from an awareness of one’s own responsibility towards the urban fabric and citizens
Our stakeholders are critical to the success of our business. The range of stakeholders we work with is as diverse as our activities and includes local governments, media agencies, transport companies, public bodies and trade associations, shareholders, the public and our teams.

The Out of Home and Digital Out of Home communication solutions proposed by IGPDecaux apply to street furniture, surface transport, airports and subways: all places and means of transport that profoundly characterise city life, omnipresent in the daily lives of millions of people.
That is why this form of communication, if well used, is so powerful. And this is why an aware and responsible management is needed, which aims at enhancing public spaces and services and is a push towards innovation and the construction of the cities of the future.

When we talk about external communication, we are talking about a medium that truly reaches everyone: every person experiencing the city, regardless of their habits and attitudes, will come into contact with the messages being conveyed.
A significant impact, therefore, that gives those working in this field the opportunities and responsibilities that this exposure entails: a reflection that is all the more true in the case of IGPDecaux which, as a leader in the sector, feels the precise duty to pave the way for an ethical approach that is marked by all-round 'caring'.

Con il nostro lavoro sviluppiamo arredi e servizi di cui tutti possono beneficiare, questo significa adottare degli impegni concreti a supporto dello sviluppo di città e mobilità intelligenti e sostenibili.
Dal 2015 il gruppo JCDecaux aderisce al Global Compact, il patto mondiale delle Nazioni Unite relativo a diritti umani, lavoro, ambiente e lotta alla corruzione. Il gruppo si impegna a sostenerne ed attuarne i principi fondamentali ed è inoltre partner ufficiale dell’UNDP, Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund.
Per IGPDecaux gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) fissati delle Nazioni Unite sono dunque una leva per l’innovazione, che permettono di offrire prodotti e servizi sempre più responsabili. Nello specifico contribuiamo a tutti i 17 SDGs e in particolare a 6 di questi, accelerando la loro promozione e diffusione in tutto il mondo.

We want to make cities more hospitable, pleasant and manageable, so that everyone can benefit from a better quality of life
The possibility of reaching everyone experiencing a city, without exception, is a great opportunity, but at the same time it is also an immense responsibility